Monday, January 10, 2011

Beauty in Him

I haven't written in a while, which is sad. But i'm writing now.

Things in life are well.... they seem small. We take a lot of things for granted and therefore pass a lot of things up. A lot of times the world gets in the way of the truth, and simply shows us the lies. It tells us we're not good enough. That we can't do what we want or that we don't look the way we should. But wait. Take a step back. Who is to say what is good enough? Who is to say that we HAVE to look or act or be a certain person? Who took it upon themselves to say what should or shouldn't be important or up to "standards" in ourselves?
God didn't give us these standards, people did. People are so obsessed with the need to conform that everyone starts to blend in, everyone starts to look the same. We're all created in Gods image. We're all created DIFFERENTLY in God's image. And He thinks we're all GORGEOUS! Because... yes while He does think we're beautiful on the outside, God looks past that. He looks at your heart, and gosh there is nothing more beautiful than a heart.
So next time you walk by a mirror and think something negative- think the opposite and know that the highest of high God's thinks that you're the more radiant thing He's ever seen. Because it's TRUE!!!!!! <3

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