Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Back on Fire for HIM!

Have you ever felt SO on fire for something and then all of a sudden that flame just goes out? Cause that's how I feel currently. I took the day off from school yesterday because I wasn't feeling too good. And I told myself I was going to stay cooped up in my room all day and read my Bible. And I was going to do it to, until... I didn't. I just didn't want to. And I tried to pray about it and I didn't want to do that either!! What?! I love praying! I love reading my Bible! What was going on??
I believe that sometimes we push ourselves so far in something without ever realizing it and then we get tired, run out of fuel. Sometimes we have to find our own way to be fed- our own way to fuel our fire.
So after all of this- I was laying in bed last night about to go to sleep and God spoke to me. He said "The best thing to do is to do what you don't want to."
So, if you feel empty or tired and don't want to talk to God- Talk to God. See, I believe He is this way of refueling our fires for us if we let Him. It's pretty cool actually. You just have to be completely vulnerable with Him and be honest and tell him that you don't want to talk to Him and then ask Him for energy and willingness. And most of the time He'll give it to you.
So- When you feel just so overwhelmed- drop everything- Except God.

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